Mental Wellness
What is Mental Wellness?
The part of our being called the Mental Body is a very powerful and is vital for us to understand in order to achieve full balanced health and wellness. This may be one of the most important areas of learning as the difference it can make for people is life changing.
You have two main forms of consciousness:
1) Your Higher Consciousness
2) Your Sub Consciousness
Understanding that there are two and how to understand and differentiate the two, will change your life. 95% of how we operate is through our sub-conscious mind. It is where all our subconscious programmed learning is stored. Thus leading us (if not awake and conscious) to make decisions based from this place that is always rooted in an ego-based, out of alignment energy and therefore, keep us stuck in a low-vibrational/unhappy place in life.
It houses our thoughts, attitudes, judgments, perceptions and interpretation of things.
It houses our reasoning and analytic process of thinking.
It is where fear is created and stored in us.
It is also how we perceive our worth and value in the world. Some believe it is about a foot out in diameter from the physical body.
What You Can Do?
What you will learn in the Mental Wellness Education Membership section:
• The difference between the “Big I” and the Little “I”.
Learn how to know how to differentiate between the two Techniques to “quiet” and “tame” the mental ego body.
Learn Tools that will allow you to access and strengthen your higher consciousness so that you may stay in alignment with your higher energy flow and be able to operate and live your daily life through that set point.
When you are able to do this, all goals you set for yourself are limitless. This is the ultimate point of highest attraction and the key to living the greatest, truest and fulfilled life possible.
Why is Mental Wellness Important?
The Mental Category in the Doulagivers® Life Class Wellness Membership may be the most important shift a person can make. When a person learns that there are two conscious energies that make up each one of us and how one operates our existence ( if we let it and/or are unaware of it ). 95% of the time and is always making decisions from a fear based place- this one change in your life has the power to ultimately change everything.