Physical Mastery


01 — What it is: Everything is energy! Including you!

Physical wellness promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. ... Overall physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition and rest. You are made up of energy. It is up to you to decide how you will care for your body and have your energy be either low vibration or high vibes!

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.
-Nikola Tesla, inventor, physicist, supergenius.

02 — What You Can Do? Physical Body:

Tune it Up!

Learn how what we eat and the nutrient value of what we consume is the energetic core of our body’s function. Often referred to as our “second brain”, you will learn how your gut health affects cognition, energy, hormone balance, anxiety, depression and much more. Learn how to create a healthy digestive environment creating the highest vibrations possible and how doing so will have a positive effect on all aspects of our overall wellbeing and health.

03 — Why It’s Important

The higher your vibration, the happier and more joyful you feel! The choices you make about how you care for your physical body make all the difference in how you live. You can learn to raise your vibrations of your physical body to feel amazing at any age. This is scientifically proven!

Definition of Megahertz:

  • One million hertz, especially as a measure of the frequency of radio transmissions or the clock speed of a computer.

How Energy in Your Body is Measured:

(Examples of MHz in humans)

  • Healthy human body 62-70 MHz

  • Cells Can Start to Mutate Below 62 MHz

  • Human Body with a Cold or a Flu 58 MHz

  • Body Where Cancer Can Appear 42 MHz

  • When the Death Process Begins 20 MHz

In the Physical Wellness Training, you will learn how to Tune Your Physical Body Vibes Up.

The Physical Mastery Training includes the following educational topics:

  • Gut Health

  • What do Human Cells Eat?

  • What is Balanced Nutrition?

  • Vitamins and Minerals

  • Essential Nutrients

  • Toxins

  • Immunity and Health

  • Hydration- Water- The Life Force

  • Oxidative Stress

  • Fat Burner vs Sugar Burner

  • Hormone Balance and Health/Weight Loss

  • Metabolism

  • Telomeres

  • Antioxidants

  • Free Radicals

  • Autophagy

  • Lifestyle Medicine

  • Intermittent Fasting

  • Stem Cells

  • Human Growth Hormone

  • Toxins

  • Stress

  • DNA and DNA Expression

  • Physical Movement

  • Benefits of Physical Exercise

  • Collateral Circulation

  • Conditioning and De-Conditioning

  • Autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems

  • And More!!